A Hymn of Life

For Chamber Orchestra



Duration: c. 5 mins


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More Information

A Hymn of Life was begun in August 2018 and completed in October of the same year.  The piece is a hymn of life partially inspired by J.S. Bach's “Prelude in C major” from the first book of The Well-Tempered Clavier, BWV 846 in the sense that my piece is also in C major (the first minute of which only uses the three pitches of a C major triad) and is essentially just a harmonic progression with almost no true melodic material.  However, I constantly change the surrounding texture, orchestration, meter, phrase lengths, and dynamics.  After traveling well beyond the boundaries of the original key, we return to C major and end with an ecstatic celebration filled with glissandi and diatonic clusters. 

Premiered November 8, 2018 by the Eastman Graduate Composers’ Sinfonietta, Garrett Wellenstein-conductor, at the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY.